Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Weatherup master index

If any one needs the latest version of the Weatherup master index file just email me. I have both a full version for those of you who are confirmed Weatherup connections, and a privacy version for those of you who are not. It is in Word (.doc) format, though I should be able to do other formats if you want.

17 comments: said...

Could you email me the master index file? I would like to check that all out.

Alex Weatherup

Sue said...

I too would like to recieve the master index please.
Also, I now have constructed quite a large Weatherup family tree (fully suppoted by documents) on centering upon Northumberland, Ontario. How can I go about sharing this information other than to try to type it all out again by hand?

Gecko said...

- I sent it to alex

- Sue: You already have the most recent version- It's that long (about 11 pages or so) document that I sent you with all the tree's (you just quoted from it the other day in your email)

Sue said...

Ah! Then there are lots of Canadian Weatherups I now how traced that are not on it. Is there any way I pass on those on without having to try to type them all out by hand as they are all on my opublic Weatherup Family Tree on

Gecko said...

Sue- The information which you have sent me via email, as well as all the new information posted to this blog will be added when I next update the master file. I have saved it all and had been waiting till I got a working copy of Office, however I think it is long overdue for an update and my too add list is getting long so I will be updating it soon and it will just be in .rtf format.

I never have been able to find your tree on ancestry. Is there anything there of Weatherup relavence which you have not emailed me (or posted here)?

Sue said...

I have just resent you an invite to view my Weatherup family tree. If anyone has access to Ancestry and they seach for Robert Weatherup Nov15 1885-1905, Cramahe,Ontario my 'Weatherup' family tree will come up as a source.My tree has grown so much, even over past few days, I do not know how much of it you have.
I have found something curious about my own branch and wonder if it is in any other Weatherup branch.Many of my line have died from Bright's Disease or iother Kidney problems. I too have kidney problems as does a sister.
Also twins are very prevelent, occurring in all of the last five generations.

elinor said...

Would you email the master index file please? I married into the Weatherup family in 1982 in Bangor Northern Ireland.

sam said...

I have Weatherups in my history from around 1788 on. Could you send me the master index?

Gecko said...

Elinor & Sam, How do I contact you?

Also, if you post some info maybe we can already find out where you fit in the tree.

-To all: please note that it [the master index file] is a bit outdated now, due largely to the amazing pace at which Sue is pushing her known tree back, and tying in many other fragmented trees in the process. I simply can't keep up with her! ;)

BryanWxup said...

Yes, I would also be very interested in a copy of the index. I have Weatherup family history on which apprently is also saved at However I created a duplicate with simple Microsoft Powerpoint that has EVERYONE from Thomas William & Mary in Governor, NY 1889 downward.

TJM said...

I am very interested in seeing the master index. I am directly decended from the Chautauqua Co. N.Y. Weatherups. It is my mother's maiden name and my brothers middle name

Gecko said...

Bryan- I'll send you the last version i have sometime this week (can't do it right now as it's on my home computer). I assume your email address follows the same pattern as in previous years? I would be interested in your powerpoint file.

TJM (and Sam & Elinor)- email me for a copy- gecko_g AT email DOT com. I am from also from a side branch of the Chatauqua Weatherups (via PA then Detroit to Ohio) so I would be interested in hearing about your branch.

BrianW said...

Just wondering if you could email me a copy a of the master index file for the Weatherup family. My dad - Will Weatherup's been doing the UK/Irish side of the family tree, and the info you have may just fill in some gaps from this side. So if anyone needs info on this branch of the Weatherup clan family tree than feel fee to get in touch. Plus if you can email in a Mac/Apple friend format it'll save me a load of grief!

Brian Weatherup

Cat said...

Hey TJM and Gecko,

I'm also from the Chautauqua branch... I was born there and my immediate family is buried there with all of the other Weatherups, in Westfield, NY.

I look forward to correlating on this! Gecko, I'm going to email for the index you mention, thanks.

Cat Weatherup

Gecko said...

to Cat and to anyone else who might of tried to contact me recently-

I've been having some email issues for a while now, so chances are I haven't gotten your message. For now the best address to reach me is at GPWeatherup2011 AT gmail DOT com.

Greg W.

Gecko said...

There's been a lot of requests for this, so I started working on putting the privacy version online. Currently debating between two options for how to do so:

A) to make it a flat html page on my genealogy website. This would be the easiest to set up and maintain (I've already got a outdated, badly formatted rough draft up.)
B) Set up some sort of wordpress blog (or something similar - if not just using this site) which would allow different entries/pages/posts for each branch and would allow visitors to leave comments on each "branch". That though would also require monitoring for both spam and to make sure no one posts info that shouldn't be on a privacy version.
A third option, which would be beyond my current technical and time ability would be C) some sort of wiki where we could have the privacy version publicly viewable and allow registered users to view/contribute to the full version.

Any thoughts?

Gecko said...

woops, I missed responding to a comment some time back


Sorry, I didn't respond because I mistook you for Bryan Weatherup, who I had been in contact with more recently than your comment. I had previously been in contact with your dad and got's lots of info from him. It would be interesting to see how his latest info compares with all of Sue's Irish research, we need to put the two of them in contact with each other.

I'm fairly certaint that .rtf is a mac/apple friendly format.

My current email is GPWeatherup2011 AT gmail DOT com

and while I'm at it-

Cat- If your who I think you are, Was it you or your sister that I had been in contact with previously regarding Weatherup genealogy? I can't remember now, it was years ago.